Column Wire

About this product

The Column Wire (#82128-60054), a crucial component in Toyota's Wiring & Clamp electrical system, plays a critical role in transmitting electrical signals between different parts of the vehicle. This intricate wire network efficiently facilitates communication between various vehicle systems, ensuring smooth performance and operation. Like any other part, the Column Wire (#82128-60054) can degrade over time, which may lead to erratic vehicle behavior or failure of certain functions. When this happens, it is crucial to replace it with genuine Toyota parts, which offer optimal compatibility with your vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If left unchecked, a malfunctioning Column Wire (#82128-60054) could lead to vehicle breakdowns or safety risks, underscoring the importance of this often overlooked part. In conclusion, the Column Wire (#82128-60054) is integral to the overall efficiency of your Toyota vehicle, keeping it running smoothly and safely.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82128-60054

Core Charge

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