Rear Seat Back Frame Sub-Assembly Right Hand

About this product

The Rear Seat Back Frame Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#71017-08050) is a key component in the Seat & Seat Track system of Toyota vehicles. It provides the structural support to the seat, ensuring driver and passenger comfort while maintaining posture and contributing to safety mechanisms. This vital auto part is specifically crafted for compatibility with Toyota vehicles. Its fabrication with top-quality materials is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Like any other auto part, the Rear Seat Back Frame Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#71017-08050), over time, can be subjected to wear and tear. If it becomes broken or non-functional, the comfort and safety of the vehicle's occupants could be compromised. In summary, the Rear Seat Back Frame Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#71017-08050) enhances the efficiency of the Seat & Seat Track system, contributing significantly to driving comfort and safety.