Removable Roof Hinge Case Bolt

About this product

The Removable Roof Hinge Case Bolt (#63297-12010), a crucial Body part in the Roof Panel & Back Panel system, plays a vital role in securing the removable roof of a Toyota vehicle. Its key function is to ensure a solid connection between the roof and the vehicle body, allowing for safe and effective operation. Over time, this bolt may wear out or become damaged, which can lead to a loose connection and potentially compromise the safety and performance of the vehicle. Therefore, it is critical to replace this part periodically. If left unchecked, a malfunctioning bolt can lead to improper sealing of the roof, increasing the risk of water damage or wind noise in the cabin. Using genuine Toyota parts helps maintain vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Removable Roof Hinge Case Bolt (#63297-12010), in particular, contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of the roof system, ensuring a smooth and comfortable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 63297-16010;63297-42010
Part Number 63297-12010

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